Surrealistic Fine Art by Piia Lehti

Surrealistic Fine Art by Piia Lehti uses mainly different intaglio printing techniques. Her motifs come from a world where the reality overlaps with dreams. People have often changed roles with animals, and their surrealistic environment is full of surprises. The cosiness of Lehtis prints originates from the slightly shabby lines and landscapes, which are comfortably worn out. The pictures reflect the life experienced and lived in different corners of the world. (Finlande)

piia lehti – metsan sylissa / symbolic surrealiste art


Surrealistic Fine Art by Piia Lehti, elle utilise principalement des techniques d’impressions mixtes. Son univers revele un monde où la réalité se superpose aux rêves. Les gens se changent en animaux de maniere symboliques et surréalistes, d’une grande finesse où le lien avec la nature est omniprésente. J’aime vraiment l’ambiance et le traitement de ses créations.


LilaVert I-I: Graphiste freelance Print / Webdesign - Photos - Sculptures
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