Tous les articles tagués art contemporain

63 Articles
  • lisa clague sculptures
  • lisa clague sculptures figuratives
  • lisa clague sculptures (usa)
  • lisa clague sculptures (usa)
  • Lisa Clague – sculpture Seductive dream
  • Lisa Clague – sculpture Seductive dream
  • Lisa Clague – sculpture
  • Lisa Clague – sculpture
  • Lisa Clague – sculptures
  • lisa clague sculptures figuratives
  • Lisa Clague Antoinette Sculpture (casting slip:mixed media) 12 x 4.5 x 5.5
  • lisa clague sculptures figuratives
  • lisa clague sculptures – portrait
  • Lisa Clague – Sculptures
  • Lisa Clague – Sculptures
  • Lisa Clague – Sculptures Light and Darkness
  • Lisa Clague – Sculptures hybrid

Lisa Clague Sculptures

Lisa Clague Sculptures (USA) figuratif

lisa clague sculptures figuratives

  • David Willis – Glass sculpture heart
  • David Willis – like a butterfly (detail) 2010, glass / mixed media
  • DAVID WILLIS – Here Today – Glass sculptures
  • DAVID WILLIS – Here Today – Glass sculpture
  • David Willis – Glass sculpture
  • David Willis – Glass sculpture – rainy day dream away
  • David Willis – Glass sculpture – rainy day dream away
  • David Willis – Glass sculpture – rainy day dream away
  • David Willis – Glass sculpture – rainy day dream away
  • David Willis – blown and sculpted glass, assembled – flowers

Luminous Art glass David Willis

Luminous Art glass David Willis. Glass installations.

David Willis - Glass sculpture - rainy day dream away
David Willis’ work is predominantly lampworked borosilicate glass which allows him to create works that range from delicate to massive. He is inspired by the natural world and addresses the relationships between people and nature at all levels in his work. During this residency, David Willis will produce a clear glass field of daisies. « Growth and decay, composition and decomposition, life and death, reality and the surreal, will be addressed by this work. »

  • Dino Valls – silens 2013
  • Dino Valls – Aurum detail
  • Dino Valls – aurum – Oil and gold leaf : wood, 70 x 50 cm. 2014
  • Dino Valls – MALACIA
  • Dino Valls – DE PROPORTIONE
  • Dino Valls – PICTURA (detail)
  • Dino Valls – VESPIDAE
  • Dino Valls – VESPIDAE-detail2
  • Dino Valls – VESPIDAE-detail
  • Dino Valls – SILENTIUM
  • Dino Valls – SIGILLA
  • Dino Valls – SIGILLA (detail)
  • Dino Valls – QUINTO-DOLOR
  • Dino Valls – OPUS NIGRUM (detail)

Dramatiquement Beautiful – les peintures de Dino Valls

Dramatiquement Beautiful – les peintures de Dino Valls ne vous laisseront pas indifférents…

Né à Saragosse en 1959, vit et travaille depuis 1988 à Madrid.

Dino Valls - PICTURA (detail)

Dino Valls – PICTURA (detail)

Dino Valls is a Spanish painter born in 1959. Building on a childhood passion for drawing, Valls taught himself to paint in oils beginning in 1975. After completing his degree in Medicine and Surgery in 1982, Valls devoted himself full-time to the profession of painting. As one of the Spanish representatives of the vanguard of figurative art. Valls has participated in important international exhibitions of contemporary art, and has held numerous showings in Europe and the United States.

  • Marc Giai-Miniet – Boite a censure / Sculpture box
  • Marc Giai-Miniet – Embarcadere au ciel etoile 45 x 45 x 15 / Sculpture box
  • Marc Giai-Miniet – Remplissage du cerveau, 67 x 46 x 10
  • Marc Giai-Miniet – Le grand digerant 2  117 x 42 x 16,5 / Sculpture box
  • Marc Giai-Miniet – Portrait

Boxes – Marc Giai-Miniet

Boxes – Marc Giai-Miniet (France)

Marc Giai-Miniet is a French artist who makes creepy and fascinating dioramas that tend to feature reproductions of human organs, crime scenes, submarines in basements, and, wait for it … libraries.

The miniature tableaus are terrific examples of art’s ability to transform seemingly predictable, mundane scenarios into absurd, freakish, and beautiful visual experiences.

Giai-Miniet’s libraries are detailed and striking, replete with book cover art, author names, and identifiable typography. Occasionally a diorama’s title will conjure a loose narrative, an obscure starting point from which the viewer might further consider the art.

  • horse dentelles art – Joana Vasconcelos
  • Crochet art by Joana Vasconcelos – Marron glace
  • Joana Vasconcelos – Wolf sculpture dentelles Art
  • Joana Vasconcelos – serpent sculpture dentelles Art
  • Joana Vasconcelos – Sculpture textile dentelles Art – Pinky
  • Joana Vasconcelos – Sculpture Lilicoptere
  • Joana Vasconcelos – Lezard sculpture dentelles Art
  • Joana Vasconcelos – Grenouille sculpture dentelles Art
  • Joana Vasconcelos – Dog sculpture dentelles Art
  • Joana Vasconcelos – Crabe sculpture dentelles Art
  • Joana Vasconcelos – abeille dentelles Art Textile
  • Joana Vasconcelos – Lion sculpture dentelles Art

Dentelles Art de Joana Vasconcelos

Dentelles Art de Joana Vasconcelos – Portugal.

Joana Vasconcelos - Dog sculpture dentelles Art

Joana Vasconcelos – Dog sculpture dentelles Art

  • Murielle Belin – La Ronde / Peinture
  • Murielle Belin – les Craniophages / Peinture
  • murielle belin – sculptures
  • murielle belin – reve siamois-detail
  • Murielle Belin – sculpture in formol
  • murielle belin – grande secheresse – sculptures
  • Murielle Belin – Sculptures ViEdermistes
  • Murielle Belin – Sculptures
  • Muriel Belin, Folla ratt femella, 2007, TM, 18×14.5×20 cm / © Atelier De moulin/Abbaye d’Auberive
  • Murielle Belin – Expo Poitiers
  • Murielle Belin – Peinture
  • Murielle Belin – Peinture
  • Murielle Belin – Peinture détail

Oeuvres ViEdermistes de Murielle Belin

Oeuvres VIEdermistes de Murielle Belin, inspirations imaginaires mixed-media sculptures, taxidermie, in formol, peintures et illustrations.
Travaille près de Nancy (1976).

Muriel Belin, Folla ratt femella, 2007, TM, 18x14.5x20 cm

Muriel Belin, Folla ratt femella, 2007, TM, 18 x 14.5 x 20 cm



  • Colin and Kristine Poole – Humanimal sculptures
  • Colin and Kristine Poole – Humanimal sculptures
  • Colin and Kristine Poole – Hot Diggety Dog
  • Colin and Kristine Poole – Hot Diggety Dog
  • Colin and Kristine Poole – Sculpture
  • Colin and Kristine Poole – Sculpture
  • Colin and Kristine Poole – Sculpture – Spirit Deer
  • Colin and Kristine Poole – Deer Humanimal sculptures
  • Colin and Kristine Poole – Humanimal sculptures
  • Colin and Kristine Poole – Hot Diggety Dog – Humanimals

Colin and Kristine Poole – Sculpture

Colin and Kristine Poole – Sculptures figuratives & peintures (USA)

Colin and Kristine Poole - Hot Diggety Dog

Colin and Kristine Poole – Hot Diggety Dog

Demonstration of creating a life-sized, coil-built ceramic figurative sculpture

  • Leigh Taylor Mickelson – Lure effloresco 2010
  • Leigh Taylor Mickelson – Lure Nepethese 2010
  • Leigh Taylor Mickelson – Lure botanical
  • Leigh Taylor Mickelson – Lure albiflora
  • Leigh Taylor Mickelson – Lure 2011
  • Leigh Taylor Mickelson – Lure
  • Leigh Taylor Mickelson – Botanical sculptures
  • Leigh Taylor Mickelson – Botanical No 3
  • Leigh Michelson – sculptures

Organic sculptures of Leigh Taylor Mickelson

Organic sculptures of Leigh Taylor Mickelson (USA)

Leigh Taylor Mickelson - Lure albiflora

Leigh Taylor Mickelson – Lure albiflora

« My ceramic sculpture explores the different components of self, sexuality and family, and how these components relate and conflict with one another. I use forms from nature, especially ones found in plant life, as a means of expressing these components. Being full of dichotomy, the elements of natural forms act as a metaphor for the spiritual, emotional and physical extremes that exist within our selves, our love relationships and our family units. 

The Lure and Botanical Duet series give homage to one of the most recent inspirations for my work: a plant’s will to pollinate. For me, the private “business” of flowering plants reveals a world that mimics human interaction to a fascinating degree. In addition, the forms found inside plants, once magnified, divulge a beauty that is regrettably unseen by the naked eye. In my work, I aim to capture the essence of these organic forms, reveal their beauty, and hence celebrate nature’s will to attract and therefore produce. »

  • Clementine De Chabaneix – Tete de chien – porcelaine / sculptures figuratives
  • Clementine De Chabaneix – sculptures faience / sculptures figuratives
  • Clementine De Chabaneix – you are my sister / sculptures figuratives
  • Clementine De Chabaneix – Viktor / sculptures figuratives
  • Clementine De Chabaneix – Venus / sculptures figuratives
  • Clementine De Chabaneix – the acrobat  / sculptures figuratives
  • Clementine De Chabaneix – siamese / sculptures figuratives
  • Clementine De Chabaneix – sculptures / sculptures figuratives
  • Clementine De Chabaneix – pieuvre grise / sculptures figuratives
  • Clementine De Chabaneix – L’orthographe / sculptures figuratives
  • Clementine De Chabaneix – Femme tigre / poetique sculptures
  • Clementine De Chabaneix – portrait / Sculpteur

Sculptures poétique Clementine De Chabaneix

Sculptures poétique Clementine De Chabaneix.  (France)

« I work with epoxy resin or ceramic, iron and sometimes wood.
I often sculpt young ‘ Burtonian’ girls, kind of « Alice in Wonderland », teenagers, romantic, a bit gothic… 
My work is about leaving childhood, metamorphose, struggle. 
I draw also with very thin lines, minimalist black and white drawings, with the same subject. »

  • Bob Quinn – Excuses – Sculptures – Ireland
  • Bob Quinn – Sculptures figuratives
  • Bob Quinn – Sculptures figuratives
  • Bob Quinn – Sculptures figuratives
  • Bob Quinn – Sculptures figuratives
  • Bob Quinn – Sculptures figuratives
  • Bob Quinn – Sculptures figuratives
  • Bob Quinn – Elopement -Sculptures figuratives
  • Bob Quinn – Toe in the Water smallest side

Bob Quinn – Sculptures figuratives

Bob Quinn – Sculptures figuratives (Ireland)

D’Inspirations : Giacometti, Degas et ça me rappelle beaucoup l’univers de Valerie Hadida.

  • Alexander Hadad – Drommaren
  • Alexander Hadad – Stolt-Stengodslera
  • Alexander Hadad – Namnlost – Mask
  • Alexander Hadad – Mask
  • Alexander Hadad – Mask
  • Alexander Hadad – Mask
  • Alexander Hadad – Mask
  • Alexander Hadad – Den sista pilen : Stengodsler
  • Alexander Hadad – Arkeologisk sang / Stengodslera

Syrian-Swedish Artist Alexander Hadad

Syrian-Swedish Artist Alexander Hadad – Born in Syria in 1961. Lives in Norrköping, Sweden.

« My artistic realm is based on two cultural perspectives – Oriental and Swedish. The connection and contrast between these two cultures represent for me a persistant source of inspiration that allows me to constantly find new ways for my artistic creation. »

  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg – Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014
  • Xooang Choi Solo Show – The blind for the blind – expo belgique
  • Xooang Choi – modeling (2015)
  • Xooang Choi – modeling (2015)
  • Xooang Choi – dreamers sculpture 2015
  • Xooang Choi – sculpture

Xooang Choi Solo Show @ Musee d’Ansembourg – Liege Belgium

Xooang Choi Solo Show @ Musee d’Ansembourg – Liege Belgium
du 24/01 au 14 fev.  + d’infos

Xooang Choi Solo Show - Musee d'Ansembourg- Liege Belgium - 24 janvier au 14 février 2014

Xooang Choi Solo Show – Musee d’Ansembourg- Liege Belgium – 24 janvier au 14 février 2014

  • Matthias Verginer – burn out / wood sculptures
  • Matthias Verginer – the captain / wood sculptures
  • Matthias Verginer – My favorite Pet / wood sculptures
  • Matthias Verginer – Tomato tan / wood sculptures – Ironic
  • Matthias Verginer – free as a bird / wood sculptures
  • Matthias Verginer – corypantha / wood sculptures

Wood figuratif sculptures of Matthias Verginer

Wood figuratif sculptures of Matthias Verginer. Lives and works in Ortisei (BZ), Northern Italy.

  • Setsuko Morita – Sculptor Japan
  • Setsuko Morita – Sculptor Japan
  • Setsuko Morita – Sculptor Japan
  • Setsuko Morita – Sculptor Japan
  • Setsuko Morita – Sculptor Japan
  • Setsuko Morita – Sculptor Japan
  • Work of Kanami Ogata and Setsuko Morita / Japan

Magic world of metal of Setsuko Morita

Magic world of metal of Setsuko Morita, sculptor Japan.


  • Javier Marín – Sculptures monumentales
  • Javier Marín – Sculptures monumentales
  • Javier Marín – sculpture Hombre Reclinado
  • Javier Marín – sculptures – Penitente
  • Javier Marín – sculptures
  • Javier Marín – sculptures
  • Javier Marín – Sculptures monumentales
  • Javier Marín – Sculptures monumentales
  • Javier Marín – Sculptures monumentales
  • Javier Marín – sculptures coprus terra
  • Javier Marín – sculptures coprus terra
  • Javier Marín – Sculptures monumentales mexique
  • Javier Marín – Sculptures luxembourg / Sculptures monumentales
  • Javier Marín – Sculptures bustes / Sculptures monumentales
  • Javier Marín – Sculptor
  • Javier Marín – Sculptures portrait
  • Javier Marín Sculpture

Sculptures monumentales de Javier Marín

Sculptures monumentales de Javier Marín. (born in Uruapan, Michoacan, Mexico in 1962)

Javier Marin’s sculpture a unique and dynamic blend of Western European and Mexican culture. Working quickly, primarily in clay, Marín does not refer to a model but instead relies on his remarkable knowledge of the human form gathered from years of drawing directly from the figure. Process is one of the artist’s most obvious passions, spikes of bronze are often left exposed to show the paths of molten metal flowing into the cast figure. During the creation of a work, words might be quickly inscribed onto the raw clay, holes gouged and support structures left exposed. It is this deliberate coarseness combined with his elegant classic approach to the figure that combines to give these works such power and substance.
(source txt : evokecontemporary)

Javier Marín - sculptures

Javier Marín – sculptures

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