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407 Articles

Tutorial sculpture d’un mouton fait en argile

Tutorial Sculpture mouton argile
Tutorial sculpture mouton en argile

Tutorial d’un mouton fait en argile. Pour les enfants, il est possible de le faire en pâte à modeler avec différentes couleurs et ainsi ne pas s’embêter des contraintes de l’argile.

Suite et final du tutoriel…


Tutorial sculpture mouton part.2 Final #sculpture #tuto #tutorials #clay #mouton #argile #art #diy #pourtoi #handmade #tutorialtiktok #art

♬ Intro – The xx

  • Hsu Tung Han – Wood horse sculpture
  • Hsu Tung Han – Wood horse sculpture
  • Hsu Tung Han – Wood horse sculpture
  • Hsu Tung Han – Wood horse sculpture
  • Hsu Tung Han – Wood horse sculpture
  • Hsu Tung Han – Wood horse sculpture
  • Hsu Tung Han – Wood hand sculpture
  • Hsu Tung Han – Wood sculpture

Les sculptures déstructurées en bois de Hsu Tung Han

Les sculptures déstructurées en bois de Hsu Tung Han / 韓旭東 Hsu-Tung Han – Artist from Taiwan, Wood sculptor

Hsu Tung Han - Wood horse sculpture

Sculptures déstructurées en bois de Hsu Tung Han


  • Miguel Ángel Vigo Baleirón art sculpture
  • Miguel Ángel Vigo Baleirón art sculpture
  • Miguel Ángel Vigo Baleirón art sculpture
  • Miguel Ángel Vigo Baleirón art sculpture
  • Miguel Ángel Vigo Baleirón art sculpture
  • Miguel Ángel Vigo Baleirón portrait

Les sculptures tourmentées de Miguel Ángel Vigo Baleirón

Les sculptures tourmentées de Miguel Ángel Vigo Baleirón (Espagne)

Mixed media artist.

Miguel Ángel Vigo Baleirón art sculptures

Miguel Ángel Vigo Baleirón art sculpture

  • Christopher Pugliese – Painting – the Fountain of Youth, 2003
  • Christopher Pugliese – Painting
  • Christopher Pugliese – Painting studio
  • Christopher Pugliese – Painting
  • Christopher Pugliese – Painting
  • Christopher Pugliese – Painting
  • Christopher Pugliese – Painting
  • Christopher Pugliese – Fountain of Youth in sepia

Christopher Pugliese – Painting

Christopher Pugliese – Painting / NY

Christopher Pugliese - Painting

Christopher Pugliese – Painting



  • Troy Brooks, Love bugs – Oil on canvas
  • Troy Brooks, Water Lily – Oil on canvas
  • Troy Brooks, Sacrifice – Oil on canvas
  • Troy Brooks, Mother Goddamn – oil on canvas
  • Troy Brooks, Gravity Of Regret – Oil on canvas
  • Troy Brooks, Caligula – Oil on canvas
  • Troy Brooks, Between The boys and the Bees, painting oil
  • Troy Brooks, Sketchbook

Troy Brooks, Beautiful surrealist paintings

Troy Brooks, Beautiful surrealist paintings. (CA)

Troy Brooks is a contemporary surrealist painter known for his elaborate oil paintings dominated by towering women enveloped in a landscape of visual metaphor. His heroine plays out intimate scenes, usually caught in moments where something transformative has or is about to happen. Brooks’ impact on the pop-surrealist movement is widely recognized, exhibiting work in Canada, the US and Europe. He lives in Toronto. (Source Facebook)


Troy Brooks, Caligula - Oil on canvas

Troy Brooks, Caligula – Oil on canvas


  • Bran Lin Sculptures – Irrational preference
  • IBran Lin Sculptures – Irrational preference
  • Bran Lin Sculptures – Gelding, 197 x 56 x 42 cm – 2013
  • Bran Lin Sculptures – Irrational preference
  • Bran Lin Sculptures – Irrational preference, 156 x 61 x 184 cm – 2016
  • Bran Lin Sculptures – Confession theater – Civilization of the wild
  • Bran Lin Sculptures – Confession theater – Civilization of the wild
  • Bran Lin Sculptures
  • Bran Lin Sculptures
  • Bran Lin Sculptures – The seven lambs, 181 x 45 x 56 cm – 2015
  • Bran Lin Sculptures – Limited appearance, 112 x 90 x 146 cm – 2015
  • Bran Lin Sculptures

Bran Lin Sculptures

Bran Lin Sculptures (born 1992 Taipei, Taiwan)

Diplomé de l’université nationale d’Art de Taiwan / Graduated from NTUA (National Taiwan University of Art)

Bran Lin Sculptures - Irrational preference, 156 x 61 x 184 cm - 2016

Bran Lin Sculptures – Irrational preference, 156 x 61 x 184 cm – 2016


  • Mono Cieza Sculptor – Para encontrar el camino II, 2018
  • Mono Cieza Sculptor, Para encontrar el camino II, 2018
  • Mono Cieza Sculptor – Secretas Nostalgias, 2017
  • Mono Cieza Sculptor – Secretas Nostalgias, 2017
  • Mono Cieza Sculptor – SCULPTURE
  • Mono Cieza Sculptor – Nature of Senses, 2017
  • Mono Cieza Sculptor – Cierra los ojos para encontrar el camino, 2016

Mono Cieza Pop surrealiste sculpture artiste

Mono Cieza Pop surrealiste sculpture artiste, résident à Barcelone (né en Argentine). Il emploie différentes techniques pour donner vie à ses sculptures : hybrid mi-animal mi-homme, humain déguisé aux allures mystiques…

Pour la plupart, ses sculptures sont faites en résine et peintes.


Mono Cieza, Pop surrealist sculpture artist, resident artist in Barcelona born in Argentina, uses several techniques to capture his popsurrealist universe, in which animals, the mystical, the supernatural, the worlds and not worlds, the oneiric, unite to give body to sculpture.

Mono Cieza Sculptor - Cierra los ojos para encontrar el camino, 2016

Mono Cieza Sculptor – Cierra los ojos para encontrar el camino, 2016


  • Crystal Morey Artist Sculptor
  • Crystal Morey Artist Sculptor
  • Crystal Morey Porcelaine Sculptor
  • Crystal Morey Artist Sculptor – Entangled Wonders A Vision of the Present and Future
  • Crystal Morey Artist Sculptor – New Symbiosis, Grey Wolf
  • Crystal Morey Artist Sculptor Porcelain – New Symbiosis, Grey Wolf
  • Crystal Morey Porcelaine Sculptor
  • Crystal Morey Artist Sculptor
  • Crystal Morey Porcelaine Sculptor
  • Crystal Morey Artist Sculptor
  • Crystal Morey Artist Sculptor
  • Crystal Morey Artist Sculptor

Crystal Morey Porcelaine Sculptor

Crystal Morey Porcelaine Sculptor / California, USA

« Pulling from traditions of realism, craftsmanship, and art historical porcelain, I am looking to incorporate these customs of beauty, while also building a contemporary, science based, environmental narrative of today. A story that reminds us of the importance of our natural spaces, and that all living creatures are connected through a thread of time and a fragile world.  » Crystal Morey

Fascinating sculptures, hybrid human/animal, so poetic !

Crystal Morey Artist Sculptor Porcelain




  • Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez / Illustrator
  • Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez / Illustrator / Argentina
  • Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez / Illustrator
  • Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez
  • Diego Fernandez, Digital illustrator
  • Diego Fernandez, Digital illustrator
  • Diego Fernandez, Digital illustrator
  • Diego Fernandez, Digital illustrator
  • Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez / Illustrator
  • Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez
  • Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez / Illustrator
  • Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez / Illustrator
  • Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez
  • Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez / Illustrator

Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez

Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez. Digital illustrator from Buenos Aires, (Argentina).

Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez

Fine digital Art of Diego Fernandez


  • Costa Magarakis – Sculptures
  • Costa Magarakis – Sculpture
  • Costa Magarakis – Sculpture
  • Costa Magarakis – Sculpture bunny
  • Costa Magarakis – Sculpture Bunny WIP
  • Costa Magarakis – Sculpture, Duck you! Mixed media sculpture
  • Costa Magarakis – Sculpture – The Teardrop Collector

Costa Magarakis – Mixed media Sculptures

Costa Magarakis – Mixed media Sculptures (Tel Aviv, Israel)

Costa Magarakis – Sculpture Bunny WIP




  • Dina Belenko – Food photography Art
  • Dina Belenko – Food photography inspiration
  • Dina Belenko – Food photography Art
  • Dina Belenko – Food photography Art
  • Dina Belenko – Food photography Art
  • Dina Belenko – Food photography Art inspiration

Dina Belenko – Food photography inspiration

Dina Belenko – Food photography Art inspiration (Russia)
Still life photographer.

Les très belles photographies culinaires de Dina Belenko spécialisée en « Food photography » et autres objets. Elle crée de très belles compositions, des ambiances reposantes et douces qui invitent à la dégustation…

Dina Belenko - Food photography Art inspiration

Dina Belenko – Food photography Art inspiration

  • Vision II by David Spriggs
  • DIVIDED POWER. 2017. 3.2 X 3.2 X 3 metres: 10.5 X 10.5 X 10 ft White acrylic paint on layers of transparent film hung within a metal frame and suspended from the ceiling
  • Vision II by David Spriggs. Recently presented at Messums Wiltshire. Vision II is a 16ft high 3D installation of layered painted images
  • Emergence of Perception by David Spriggs. Painted layered transparencies. 2008
  • Vision II by David Spriggs
  • Data by David Spriggs – Painted layered transparent sheets
  • Retina with the artist David Spriggs
  • DIVIDED POWER. 2017. 3.2 X 3.2 X 3 metres: 10.5 X 10.5 X 10 ft Paint on layers of transparent sheets suspended from the ceiling of the former power plant Kraftwerk
  • Vision II by David Spriggs

Fascinantes installations de David Spriggs

Fascinantes installations de David Spriggs.
High 3D installation of layered painted images.

Vision II by David Spriggs

Vision II by David Spriggs


  • Eiko Ojala – I found my silence – Digital art
  • Eiko Ojala – I found my silence – Digital art
  • Eiko Ojala – I found my silence – Digital art
  • Eiko Ojala – I found my silence – Digital art
  • Eiko Ojala – Digital art illustrations
  • Eiko Ojala – Digital art illustration – Wellington Summer
  • Eiko Ojala – Digital art illustration – Wellington Summer
  • Eiko Ojala – Digital art illustration – Wellington Summer
  • Eiko Ojala – Digital art – Editorial illustrations
  • Eiko Ojala – Digital art – Editorial illustrations

Eiko Ojala – Digital art illustrations

Eiko Ojala – Digital art illustrations (Estonia)

Découpages digitales de papiers très réalistes.



  • Fernando Rosas – « Cómodamente instalada » sculpture
  • Fernando Rosas – « Cómodamente instalada » Sculpture
  • Fernando Rosas – Condenado: el desinterés – Sculpture
  • Fernando Rosas – « Condenado: el desinterés » Sculpture
  • Fernando Rosas – « El rapto de Europa » Scuptor
  • Fernando Rosas – « El rapto de Europa » Scuptor
  • Fernando Rosas – « El rapto de Europa » Scupture
  • Fernando Rosas – Sculpture « Barranco »
  • Fernando Rosas – Sculptor « Herejía »
  • Fernando Rosas – Sculpture « Herejía »
  • Fernando Rosas – Sculpture « Un rebrote »

Fernando Rosas – Sculptures

Fernando Rosas – Sculptures (Argentina)

Fernando Rosas - "El rapto de Europa" Scuptor

Fernando Rosas – « El rapto de Europa » Scuptor

  • Ali Cavanaugh – Water colors
  • Ali Cavanaugh – Water colors
  • Ali Cavanaugh – Water colors
  • Ali-Cavanaugh-watercolor
  • Ali Cavanaugh – Water colors
  • Ali Cavanaugh – Water colors
  • Ali Cavanaugh – Water colors

Ali Cavanaugh – Watercolors

Ali Cavanaugh – Watercolors

Ali Cavanaugh – Water colors



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