Portraits de Lita Cabellut

Portraits de Lita Cabellut  «Je veux forcer les gens à regarder les gens, ils sont des figures caractéristiques puissantes. Je travaille l’expressionnisme, mais j’ai développé mon propre style. C’est une sorte de techniques de collage, combinée à l’huile. C’est une fresque. C’est la force avec laquelle vous peignez, comment vous utilisez de la peinture sur la toile, le toucher. Tout ceci est une combinaison de philosophie et de physique. »


The Spanish Lita Cabellut was born on 1961 in Barcelona, where she grew up in a poor Gypsy-environment.
Her work is closely intertwined with the memories of the old area of Barcelona, El Raval, with closeness to the docks, La Bocquerai market, Las Ramblas and Sant Antonie market, replete with pickpockets, street performers and of course, prostitutes.

After 13 years of street and orphan life she got adopted. In this new period of her life she discovers the Prado museum. She become amorous with Goya, Velazquez, Ribera and Rembrandt. One of her preferred statements explaining her passion is: « I married very young, my first marriage was with the art ». I can endorse this is the case of Lita.

She got her first exhibition on the age of 17 at the Town Hall of Masnou, Barcelona. At 19 she decided to change her native country Spain, for new challenges in the Netherlands, where she studied between 1982-1984 at the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam.

Nowadays, Lita Cabellut is considered as a painter with a unique pictorial language, using a contemporary variation on the fresco-technique and a immensely enjoyable, communicative and recognizable ‘Cabellut-palette’. Lita Cabellut’s ‘human-faced’ paintings are exposed all around the globe, in New York, Dubai, Miami, Singapore, Hong Kong, Barcelona, London, Paris, Venice, Monaco, Seoul and many more cities.


LilaVert I-I: Graphiste freelance Print / Webdesign - Photos - Sculptures
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