Tous les articles tagués fleurs

11 Articles
  • David Willis – Glass sculpture heart
  • David Willis – like a butterfly (detail) 2010, glass / mixed media
  • DAVID WILLIS – Here Today – Glass sculptures
  • DAVID WILLIS – Here Today – Glass sculpture
  • David Willis – Glass sculpture
  • David Willis – Glass sculpture – rainy day dream away
  • David Willis – Glass sculpture – rainy day dream away
  • David Willis – Glass sculpture – rainy day dream away
  • David Willis – Glass sculpture – rainy day dream away
  • David Willis – blown and sculpted glass, assembled – flowers

Luminous Art glass David Willis

Luminous Art glass David Willis. Glass installations.

David Willis - Glass sculpture - rainy day dream away
David Willis’ work is predominantly lampworked borosilicate glass which allows him to create works that range from delicate to massive. He is inspired by the natural world and addresses the relationships between people and nature at all levels in his work. During this residency, David Willis will produce a clear glass field of daisies. « Growth and decay, composition and decomposition, life and death, reality and the surreal, will be addressed by this work. »

  • Nicole Dextras – Little Green Dress Projekt – Robes natures écologiques et durables
  • Nicole Dextras – Little Green Dress Projekt – couture nature écologique et durable –
  • Nicole Dextras – Little Green Dress Projekt – couture nature écologique et durable –  ruth
  • Nicole Dextras – Little Green Dress Projekt – couture nature écologique et durable –  Lean
  • Nicole Dextras – Little Green Dress Projekt – couture nature écologique et durable – barbara
  • Nicole Dextras – Mobile dress garden
  • Nicole Dextras – Mobile dress garden
  • Nicole Dextras – Little Green Dress Projekt – couture nature écologique et durable – Mode nature
  • Nicole Dextras – StoreFront window display – Nature dress
  • Nicole Dextras – Store front vitrine – Nature dress
  • Nicole Dextras – Store front vitrine – Nature dress
  • Nicole Dextras – Little Green Dress
  • Nicole Dextras – Weleda dresses
  • Nicole Dextras – Nature shoes
  • Nicole Dextras – portrait

The nature dress & installations Nicole Dextras

The nature dress & installations Nicole Dextras – An environmental artist working with ephemeral materials. (Canada)

News : exposera ses « Mobile Garden Dress » : Jardins, Jardin aux Tuileries Paris, en Juin 2015.

Nicole Dextras - Little Green Dress

Le concept de « Little Dress Garden » a été créé afin que chaque femme ait au moins un élément dans sa garde-robe qui soit produit de façon durable et équitable. Le projet vise à sensibiliser sur l’impact de l’industrie sur notre environnement et d’offrir une possibilité réaliste de changement en créant une demande pour des meilleures pratiques par le biais des consommateurs.
Pour cette raison, les robes ont été entièrement créée à partir de matières organiques ;  » Portez-la et qu’elle se composte !  » est le slogan.

Ce projet se démarque de la « robe noire » omniprésente avec celle qui est véritablement organique : fabriquées à partir de feuilles et de fleurs.
Sa conception est basée sur la robe classique, tout d’abord introduite dans les années 1960 par Coco Channel. Vingt-huit femmes participantes ont été choisies pour leur soutien et leur engagement dans l’éco-mode. Chaque robe a été créée sur mesure par l’artiste à partir de matériaux locaux qui représentent un large échantillon représentatif de femmes de tous âges et de tailles. 

Le projet a été présenté à l’exposition Earth Art à Vancouver, Canada  (2012) avec 28 robes, chacune drapée sur un socle en bois, et photographiée du début de sa création jusqu’à sa décomposition.


My focus as an artist is to create environmental art and ephemeral installations based on the principles of a socially engaged art practice. The Weedrobes series, which began in 2005 as an experiment in making garments from leaves and flowers has now evolved into a series that also examines consumerism, the fashion industry and the constructed landscape.
The intention of the Weedrobes series is to engage the public on several levels: through street interventions, garden settings and gallery exhibitions. Each new piece begins as a wearable sculpture constructed from local and renewable plant materials. It is then photographed with a model in a landscaped urban setting emphasizing the impact of humans on the natural environment. The third stage consists of a public intervention in a shopping area where the garment wearer engages with passersby regarding issues of disposable consumer goods. The garment/sculpture is later installed in a garden or park setting and left to decompose over time.

Nicole Dextras fait aussi de magnifiques décors de vitrine, toujours dans un esprit très nature.
  • Leigh Taylor Mickelson – Lure effloresco 2010
  • Leigh Taylor Mickelson – Lure Nepethese 2010
  • Leigh Taylor Mickelson – Lure botanical
  • Leigh Taylor Mickelson – Lure albiflora
  • Leigh Taylor Mickelson – Lure 2011
  • Leigh Taylor Mickelson – Lure
  • Leigh Taylor Mickelson – Botanical sculptures
  • Leigh Taylor Mickelson – Botanical No 3
  • Leigh Michelson – sculptures

Organic sculptures of Leigh Taylor Mickelson

Organic sculptures of Leigh Taylor Mickelson (USA)

Leigh Taylor Mickelson - Lure albiflora

Leigh Taylor Mickelson – Lure albiflora

« My ceramic sculpture explores the different components of self, sexuality and family, and how these components relate and conflict with one another. I use forms from nature, especially ones found in plant life, as a means of expressing these components. Being full of dichotomy, the elements of natural forms act as a metaphor for the spiritual, emotional and physical extremes that exist within our selves, our love relationships and our family units. 

The Lure and Botanical Duet series give homage to one of the most recent inspirations for my work: a plant’s will to pollinate. For me, the private “business” of flowering plants reveals a world that mimics human interaction to a fascinating degree. In addition, the forms found inside plants, once magnified, divulge a beauty that is regrettably unseen by the naked eye. In my work, I aim to capture the essence of these organic forms, reveal their beauty, and hence celebrate nature’s will to attract and therefore produce. »

  • Ysabel Lemay – Utopia / Visual Artist
  • Ysabel Lemay – The ire within – Visual Artist
  • Ysabel Lemay – UNITY – Visual Artist
  • Ysabel Lemay – Passage – Visual Artist
  • Ysabel-Lemay – Visual floral art
  • Ysabel Lemay – Arcadia – Visual Artist
  • Ysabel-Lemay – Visual floral art
  • Ysabel Lemay – Illuminated_II – Visual Artist
  • Ysabel Lemay – GRACE – Visual Artist

Visual artist ::: Ysabel Lemay

Visual artist ::: Ysabel Lemay, née au Quebec, elle vit actuellement à Austin, Texas.


  • Butterfly Garden, Katharine Morling – porcelain, black stain and wire
  • Katharine Morling – Deer – Clay, porcelain slip, porcelain and black stain
  • Katharine Morling – Vase of stems – Porcelain and black stain
  • Katharine Morling – Discovery
  • Katharine-Morling – Butterfly Garden
  • Fox – KATHARINE-MORLING – sculpture
  • Katharine Morling Ceramics – giraf
  • Katharine Morling – Cut 2 – Earth stone, porcelain slip, porcelain and black stain

Katharine Morling Fine Ceramics

Katharine Morling Fine Ceramics. (England)

Katharine Morling - Discovery

Katharine Morling – Discovery

« My work has been a personal narrative, which alludes to tales, dreams and nightmares. I bring my drawings alive in 3D. My work is often life-size or larger; a chair will stand a metre tall. The work has been of a domestic nature, taking inanimate objects such as chairs and layering them with emotion. As I build up piece by piece, I have created rooms with atmosphere where unexpected feelings arise from apparently mundane objects. 
I work very instinctively, one piece leads to the next, I try not to pin down what I am doing or even why. I have to trust and believe that I can communicate through this medium.
My searching is never complete; each piece is a journey for answers that are only hinted at, with more questions. 
I predominantly work in clay but use other materials when I feel it is necessary: glass, string, wood, raffia and mirror. »

White poppy – coquelicot blanc / Black version

White poppy – coquelicot blanc / Black version
Visitez mes galeries Macro ou fleurs.

White Poppy macro

J’en profite pour faire un essai d’intégration de post G+ sur mon blog, relativement simple. Suffit de copié-collé le code… et à part un probleme de largeur de colonne… c’est une option interessante et totalement égocentrique. :–)

google-plus-integration-post-dans blog

google-plus-integration-post-dans blog


White Poppy macro.
  • Max Lau – Lilam1
  • Max Lau – Lilam
  • Max Lau – Samantha
  • Max Lau – Portrait3
  • Max Lau – Longlin2
  • Max Lau – Lilam4
  • Max Lau – Portrait
  • Max Lau – Milkis
  • Max Lau – Mermaid3
  • Max Lau – Mermaid2
  • Max Lau – Mermaid
  • Max Lau – Longlin
  • Max Lau – Linlin3
  • Max Lau – Linlin2
  • Max Lau – Linlin
  • Max Lau – Lilam5
  • Max Lau – Lilam3
  • Max Lau – Lilam2
  • Max Lau – kiki
  • Max Lau – Jellyfish
  • Max Lau – Portrait2
  • Max Lau – feuille
  • Max Lau – by dreamer
  • Max Lau

Beautiful Romantic photography : Max Lau

Beautiful Romantic photography : Max Lau
Origine :
Hong Kong

…gros faible pour la beauté des asiatiques,
et pour les magnifiques photographies de Max Lau, ambiances angéliques, fraiches et ultra fleuries entre autre.

{OurLittleWorld} – Floral illustration

{OurLittleWorld} – Floral illustration available on Deviantard PRINT or Society6
or contact me…


{OurLittleWorld} - Floral illustration available on print ©LilaVert

{OurLittleWorld} – Floral illustration available on print ©LilaVert

  • Escargot Magdalena Wasiczek
  • scotchee-Magdalena Wasiczek
  • scotchee-Magdalena Wasiczek
  • photo hiver macro-Magdalena Wasiczek

L’excellent book photo de Magdalena Wasiczek

L’excellent book photo de Magdalena Wasiczek. [Pologne.]

Photographies macro, fleurs. Ambiances.



Book Graphiste freelance

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