Tous les articles tagués Art Dolls

36 Articles
  • Erica Borghstijn – Art dolls sculpture « Antelope »
  • Erica Borghstijn – Art dolls sculpture
  • Erica Borghstijn – Art dolls sculpture
  • Erica Borghstijn – Art dolls sculpture
  • Erica Borghstijn – Art dolls sculpture
  • Erica Borghstijn – Art dolls sculpture
  • Erica Borghstijn – Art dolls sculpture
  • Erica Borghstijn – Art dolls sculpture
  • Erica Borghstijn – Art dolls sculpture
  • Erica Borghstijn – Art dolls sculpture

Erica Borghstijn – Art dolls sculpture

Erica Borghstijn – Art dolls sculpture (NL)

Erica Borghstijn – Art dolls sculpture


  • Pasha pasha Art dolls – Silence
  • Pasha pasha Art dolls – Black chicken
  • Pasha pasha Art dolls – The diamond dogs are poachers
  • Pasha pasha Art dolls – The diamond dogs are poachers
  • Pasha pasha Art dolls – u should be dancing
  • Pasha pasha Art dolls – u should be dancing
  • Pasha pasha Art dolls – White rabbit

Pasha Pasha Wonderfull Art dolls

Pasha Pasha Wonderfull Art dolls (USA) aka Pasha Setrova.
An original artist who creates moody storybook imagery in the 3-D form be it with resin, fabric, or by her own breath and body.

Pasha pasha Art dolls - u should be dancing

Pasha pasha Art dolls – u should be dancing


  • Octoplum dolls art sculptures
  • Octoplum dolls art sculptures
  • Octoplum Beautiful dolls art sculptures
  • Octoplum dolls art sculptures – Venus sculpture
  • Octoplum dolls art sculptures – Venus sculpture
  • Octoplum dolls art sculptures – Venus sculpture
  • Octoplum dolls art sculptures
  • Octoplum dolls art sculptures – portrait
  • octoplum – Paloma Smith Sculptures
  • Octoplum – Paloma Smith Sculptures

Octoplum Beautiful Dolls art sculptures

Octoplum Beautiful Dolls art sculptures (UK) aka Paloma Smith : sculptor, artist, designer, feminist and cat mother…

Vous pouvez retrouver l’évolution de son travail notamment sur Instagram, work in progress.

Ses sculptures sont pulpeuses et fascinantes; d’une beauté fatale pour cette vénus aux seins généreux, au regard envoutant, à cette bouche qu’on a envie d’embrasser… mamamiaaaa

Octoplum dolls art sculptures - Venus sculpture

Octoplum dolls art sculptures – Venus sculpture



  • Poché Studio – Dolls sculpture
  • Poché Studio – Dolls sculpture
  • Poché Studio – Dolls sculpture
  • Poché Studio – Dolls sculpture
  • Poché Studio – Dolls sculpture
  • Poché Studio – Dolls sculpture « Belle époque »
  • Poché Studio – Dolls sculpture
  • Poché Studio – Dolls sculptures
  • Poché Studio – Dolls sculpture « Belle époque »
  • Poché Studio – Dolls sculpture
  • Poché Studio – Dolls sculpture
  • Poché Studio – Dolls sculptures portrait

Poché Studio – Dolls sculptures

Poché Studio – Dolls sculptures (USA)

Poché Studio - Dolls sculpture

Poché Studio – Dolls sculpture

Dustin Poché est un mixed-mdeia artiste qui crée des sculptures, notamment des dolls. Il a suivi ses études au « Colorado Institute of Art ».
Il s’inspire de son amour pour la « Belle époque » et de son expérience première à New York où sa carrière s’est d’abord dirigé vers la création de costumes et d’illustrations dans l’industrie de la mode.
Ses première aventures dans le monde de la sculpture a commencé avec la restauration de poupées boudoir, vers 1920. Ces premières œuvres exposées, ont reçu beaucoup d’enthousiasme et d’admiration.
 » J’ai beaucoup appris à restaurer les poupées anciennes, mais il y avait quelque chose qui manquait dans le résultat final. J’imaginais des personnages aux visages, aux émotions et aux gestes plus expressifs. Afin de mettre ces personnages en lumière, je me suis rendu compte que je devais commencer à les sculpter par moi-même.« 

Ses idées proviennent de nombreuses sources ; D’expériences personnelles, d’émotions et de découvertes uniques.  » Mes pièces sont très personnelles… L’idée commence comme une image floue dans ma tête qui est mise au point au fur et à mesure que le personnage évolue. Mon travail est fait avec de l’argile de papier (papier mâché ?), et j’essaie différents médiums pour créer de nouveaux effets. « 

Poché aime travailler avec des textiles anciens, vintage et autres fibres naturelles pour créer les vêtements. L’utilisation de ces matériaux uniques ajoutent à l’authenticité de ses sculptures.
L’œuvre de Poché a été incluse dans des publications artistiques et exposée dans des expositions d’art. Il aime vraiment partager ses sculptures avec d’autres.
«Je suis reconnaissant aux gens d’aimer mon travail et je me réjouis d’autres créations à venir. Cela me donne énormément de plaisir de voir les gens réagir à mon art. Chaque réaction signifie qu’une pièce a évoqué une émotion et c’est ce qui me pousse à continuer à évoluer en tant qu’artiste. »


Dustin Poche’ is a Midwestern multimedia artist who creates original sculptures and one of a kind fine art figures. He was formally educated at the Colorado Institute of Art. He draws inspiration from his love of period fashion and his work experience in New York, where his career involved costume design, textiles and illustration within the fashion industry.
His first venture into the figure and sculpting world began with the restoration of boudoir dolls, circa 1920. He exhibited those early works and they were received with much excitement and admiration.
I learned a lot while working with the antique dolls, but there was something missing in the end result. I imagined characters with more expressive faces, emotions,and gestures. To bring these characters to light, I realized I had to begin sculpting them.

His ideas come from many sources; personal experiences, emotions, and unique findings. Poche’ comments, “My pieces are very personal and I must be invested in the concept… The idea begins as an unclear image in my head which is brought into focus as the figure evolves. My work is currently done in paper clay but I’m always trying different mediums to create new effects.

Poche’ likes to work with antique and vintage materials to create the clothing. He feels the use of these unique materials adds to the authenticity of the figure and he enjoys working with natural fibers.
Poche’s work has been included in artistic publications and exhibited at art shows. He truly enjoys sharing his sculptures with others.
“I’m thankful for those who enjoy my work and I look forward to creating for many years to come. It brings me great joy to see people react to my art. Every reaction means a piece has evoked an emotion and that’s what drives me to continue to evolve as an artist.” (Source : Facebook page)

  • Emilie Steele Art doll’s – Redsmall
  • Emilie Steele Art doll’s
  • Emilie Steele Art doll’s – Torn
  • Emilie Steele Art doll’s – Red
  • Emilie Steele Art doll’s – I would rather be Red
  • Emilie Steele Art doll’s – Her constant Companions
  • Emilie Steele Art doll’s – From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity
  • Emilie Steele Art doll’s – Borderland Project
  • Emilie Steele Art doll’s – Borderland Project
  • Emilie Steele Art doll’s – Blue – Treat me Pink – Handmade Art Doll

Emilie Steele Art doll’s

Emilie Steele Art doll’s / Sweden

Emilie Steele Art doll's - Borderland Project

Emilie Steele Art doll’s – Borderland Project

  • Miura Etsuko – Sculptures dolls
  • Miura Etsuko – Sculptures « Stigmata »
  • Miura Etsuko – Sculptures Dolls (photo : lil miss sticky kiss)
  • Miura Etsuko – Dolls Sculptures  (photo : lil miss sticky kiss)
  • Miura Etsuko – Dolls Sculptures  (photo : lil miss sticky kiss)
  • Miura Etsuko – Dolls Sculptures  (photo : lil miss sticky kiss)
  • Miura Etsuko – Sculptures « réincarnation »
  • Miura Etsuko – Dolls Sculptures  (photo : lil miss sticky kiss)
  • Miura Etsuko – Dolls Sculptures  (photo : lil miss sticky kiss)
  • Miura Etsuko – Dolls Sculptures  (photo : lil miss sticky kiss)
  • Miura Etsuko – Sculptures7
  • Miura Etsuko – Dolls Sculptures  (photo : lil miss sticky kiss)
  • Miura Etsuko – Dolls Sculptures
  • Miura Etsuko – Dolls Sculptures
  • Miura Etsuko – Dolls Sculptures
  • Miura Etsuko – Dolls Sculptures

Tormented dolls Miura Etsuko

Tormented dolls Miura Etsuko (Japan)

Miura Etsuko est une artiste japonaise, elle s’est fait connaitre en France grâce à la poupée créée pour l’album de Mylène Farmer « Points de suture ».
Ses dolls sont torturées et au premier abord créent un malaise.

« En ce qui me concerne, je crée des poupées. Mais c’est parce que je ne me sens pas stable, je ne me sens pas bien, je ressens un peu de peur si je ne crée pas. Je continue à créer mais c’est au-delà de mon intérêt pour les poupées. Je continue parce que j’ai peur. 
C’est la raison que j’entrevois à ma présence sur cette terre : je suis là pour créer des poupées. Même si mes expositions ou la sortie de mon livre me font perdre des amis et des proches…  » (Voir lien interview exclusif plus bas)

Miura Etsuko - Sculptures "réincarnation"

Miura Etsuko – Sculptures « réincarnation » (photo : lil miss sticky kiss)


  • Tatyana Trifonova – Art dolls
  • Tatyana Trifonova – Art dolls
  • Tatyana Trifonova – Art dolls
  • Tatyana Trifonova – Art dolls
  • Tatyana Trifonova – Art dolls
  • Tatyana Trifonova – Art dolls
  • Tatyana Trifonova – Art dolls
  • Tatyana Trifonova – Art dolls
  • Tatyana Trifonova – Art dolls
  • Tatyana Trifonova – Art dolls
  • Tatyana Trifonova – Art dolls
  • Tatyana Trifonova – Art dolls
  • Tatyana Trifonova – Art dolls
  • Tatyana Trifonova Art dolls

Tatyana Trifonova Art dolls

Tatyana Trifonova Art dolls (Russia – Moscow) – « TriffonyArtwork »

« After I graduated from the university of MARHI, I took part as an artist-designer in a great number of decorative designs. Those projects were of vast directions and complexity levels, starting with apartment designs and continuing to government order for aircraft’s cabin interiors. Developing a wide range of design-projects and solving a lot of artistic tasks coupled with a great passion for the world of dolls and fantasy led me to create the first porcelain doll of mine in the year of 2010. To my surprise, it’s obtained recognition among doll-fanciers and professional artists. Those people gave me a lot of helpful advice and shared their rich experiences with me. Eventually all the sudden for me the hobby, so to speak doll by doll, became something more substantial and in the year of 2011 the project « TriffonyArtwork » was launched. Nowadays some of the most popular dolls of « TriffonyArtwork » brand are made not only of porcelain, but using polyurethane in order to meet rising customer’s interest and demand for dolls. It allows offering some of the most popular dolls for more affordable prices as well. From the very beginning the most important thing for me was not only focusing on embody conception, but making strong emphasis on fine details which are very important for final image perception. Collaboration with the « Stardoll » company helps to maintain high standards of workmanship quality during production of polyurethane dolls. Welcome to my world of dolls. »

Tatyana Trifonova – Art dolls


  • Midori Hayashi – Dolls artwork
  • Midori Hayashi – Dolls artwork
  • Midori Hayashi – Dolls artwork
  • Midori Hayashi – Dolls artwork
  • Midori Hayashi – Dolls artwork
  • Midori Hayashi – Dolls artwork
  • Midori Hayashi – Dolls artwork
  • Midori Hayashi – Dolls artwork
  • Midori Hayashi – Dolls artwork
  • Midori Hayashi – Dolls artwork
  • Midori Hayashi – Dolls artwork
  • Midori Hayashi – Dolls artwork
  • Midori Hayashi – dolls sculptures
  • Midori Hayashi – dolls sculptures
  • Midori Hayashi – dolls sculptures
  • Midori Hayashi – dolls sculptures
  • Midori Hayashi – dolls sculptures
  • Midori Hayashi – dolls sculptures
  • Midori Hayashi – dolls sculptures

Chimeric creations Midori Hayashi

Chimeric creations Midori Hayashi, japanese doll artist.

Chimeric creations Midori Hayashi, japanese doll artist. Midori Hayashi – Dolls artwork

  • Michael Zajkov – Art dolls
  • Michael Zajkov – Art dolls
  • Michael Zajkov – Art dolls
  • Michael Zajkov – Art dolls
  • Michael Zajkov – Art dolls
  • Michael Zajkov – Art dolls
  • Michael Zajkov – Art dolls
  • Michael Zajkov – Art dolls
  • Michael Zajkov – Art dolls
  • Michael Zajkov – Art dolls
  • Michael Zajkov – Art dolls
  • Michael Zajkov – Art dolls
  • Michael Zajkov – Art dolls
  • Michael Zajkov – Art dolls
  • Michael Zajkov – Art dolls
  • Michael Zajkov – Art dolls

Art dolls of Michael Zajkov

Art dolls of Michael Zajkov (Russia)

Très beaux détails et expressions, même si ses créations rappellent un peu la petite Maison dans la Prairie.. :)

Michael Zajkov – Art dolls

  • Art dolls -cdlitestudio – Ballerina
  • Art dolls -cdlitestudio – The Bride of Frankenstein
  • Art dolls – cdlitestudio – steampunk time traveler-BB
  • Art dolls – cdlitestudio – Mermaid mystic
  • Art dolls – cdlitestudio – creepy doll
  • Angel D by cdlitestudio
  • Art dolls – cdlitestudio – BJD inspired ballerina A
  • Art dolls -cdlitestudio – Ballerina
  • Art dolls -cdlitestudio – Ballerina
  • Art dolls – cdlitestudio – creepy doll-B
  • Art dolls -cdlitestudio – Alice

Fairy Art dolls – cdlitestudio

Fairy Art dolls – cdlitestudio (Canada)

Angel D by cdlitestudio

Angel D by cdlitestudio

  • Virginie Ropars – Art Dolls
  • Virginie Ropars – Art Dolls6
  • Virginie Ropars – Art Dolls5
  • Virginie Ropars – Art Dolls9
  • Virginie Ropars – Art Dolls8
  • Virginie Ropars – Art Dolls7
  • Virginie Ropars – Art Dolls4
  • Virginie Ropars – Art Dolls3
  • Virginie Ropars – Art Dolls2
  • Virginie Ropars – Art Dolls1
  • Virginie Ropars – ARt dolls
  • Virginie Ropars sculpture
  • Virginie Ropars sculpture cat #virginieropars #artcollector #fantasyart
  • Virginie Ropars – Portrait / Art Dolls Artist

Virginie Ropars – Art Dolls

Virginie Ropars – Art Dolls (FR)

Virginie Ropars est née en Bretagne en 1976. Ses travaux sont au confluent de la sculpture, de la poupée, de la mode et de l’illustration, ce sont des visions pleines de merveilleux et souvent sombre, la féminité y prend une large place. Un univers personnel qu’elle a d’abord exprimé par le dessin. Apres des études de graphisme, elle travaille comme infographiste 2D/3D pour l’industrie du jeu-video et la série animée pour la télévision.
Virginie expose dans différents pays en Europe, pour des salons ou des expositions, ainsi qu’aux Etats-Unis et en Russie.

Born in Brittany (France) in 1976. Virginie Ropars’s figures are in between sculpture, fashion design and illustration, building up visions sometimes full of wonders, other times strange and gloomy where femininity took alway the main place. An inner world she primary expressed in drawings while she worked as a 2D/3D graphic artist for computer games and TV cartoon industry.
Virginie’s work is shown throughout Europe in art galleries and art shows and also in United States and Russia.

  • Dustin Poche – Marlene Dietrich doll sculpture
  • Dustin Poche – Marlene Dietrich doll sculpture
  • Dustin Poche – Marlene Dietrich doll sculpture
  • Dustin Poche – Marlene Dietrich doll sculpture
  • Dustin Poche – The Dowager Countess doll sculpture
  • Dustin Poche – The Bride of Frankenstein sculpture
  • Dustin Poche – The Bride of Frankenstein Art doll
  • Dustin Poche – Lypsinka doll sculptures
  • Dustin Poche – Lypsinka Art dolls
  • Dustin Poche – Marlene Dietrich doll sculpture
  • Dustin Poche – portrait – Art dolls sculpteur
  • Dustin Poche – portrait – Art dolls sculpteur

Art dolls sculptures by Dustin Poché

Art dolls sculptures by Dustin Poché. (USA)

Dustin Poche - Marlene Dietrich doll sculpture

Dustin Poché a fait ses études à l’Institut d’Art Colorado. Il puise son inspiration dans son amour de la mode et de son expérience à New York, où son travail impliquait la creation de costumes et d’illustrations dans l’industrie de la mode.
Ses premieres expériences dans le domaine a commencé avec la restauration de poupées de boudoir de 1920, qu’il expose et qui ont été plébiscitées.
« J’ai beaucoup appris en travaillant sur des poupées anciennes, mais il y avait quelque chose qui me manquait dans le résultat final. J’ai donc sculpté des personnages avec des visages plus expressifs, avec plus d’émotions. « 
Son inspiration vient d’expériences personnelles. « Mes pièces sont très personnelles et je dois être investis dans le concept … L’idée commence par une idée claire dans ma tête, commence alors mon travail  en argile, et avec différents autres médias que j’essaie pour créer de nouveaux effets « .
L’artiste aime travailler avec des textiles anciens et autres fibres naturelles pour créer les vêtements. L’utilisation de ces matériaux uniques ajoute à l’authenticité de ses sculptures.
Son travail a été inclus dans des publications artistiques et exposé.
« J’aime le regard des gens et leur reaction sur mon travail. C’est cette émotion qui me pousse à continuer à évoluer en tant qu’artiste« .


Dustin Poche’ is a Midwestern multimedia artist who creates original sculptures and one of a kind fine art figures. He was formally educated at the Colorado Institute of Art. He draws inspiration from his love of period fashion and his work experience in New York, where his career involved costume design, textiles and illustration within the fashion industry.
His first venture into the figure and sculpting world began with the restoration of boudoir dolls, circa 1920. He exhibited those early works and they were received with much excitement and admiration.
“I learned a lot while working with the antique dolls, but there was something missing in the end result. I imagined characters with more expressive faces, emotions,and gestures. To bring these characters to light, I realized I had to begin sculpting them.”
His ideas come from many sources; personal experiences, emotions, and unique findings. Poche’ comments, “My pieces are very personal and I must be invested in the concept… The idea begins as an unclear image in my head which is brought into focus as the figure evolves. My work is currently done in paper clay but I’m always trying different mediums to create new effects.”
Poche’ likes to work with antique and vintage materials to create the clothing. He feels the use of these unique materials adds to the authenticity of the figure and he enjoys working with natural fibers.
Poche’s work has been included in artistic publications and exhibited at art shows. He truly enjoys sharing his sculptures with others.
“I’m thankful for those who enjoy my work and I look forward to creating for many years to come. It brings me great joy to see people react to my art. Every reaction means a piece has evoked an emotion and that’s what drives me to continue to evolve as an artist.”

  • Tatiana Baeva – Reflections – sculptures russie
  • Tatiana Baeva – Reflections – sculptures russie
  • Tatiana Baeva – Reflections – sculptures russie
  • Tatiana Baeva – Reflections – sculptures russie
  • Tatiana Baeva – Reflections – sculptures russie
  • Tatiana Baeva – Art dolls sculptures
  • Tatiana Baeva – Art dolls sculpture
  • Tatiana Baeva – Art dolls sculpture
  • Tatiana Baeva – Art dolls sculpture

Tatiana Baeva – Art dolls sculptures

Tatiana Baeva – Art dolls sculptures (Russie)

Tatiana Baeva - Reflections - sculptures russie

Tatiana Baeva – Reflections – sculptures russie

  • Dorote Zaukaite – Beautiful dolls mixed media art – Winter is coming
  • Dorote Zaukaite – Beautiful dolls mixed media art – Winter is coming
  • Dorote Zaukaite – Beautiful dolls mixed media art – Winter is coming
  • Dorote Zaukaite – Beautiful dolls mixed media art – Winter is coming detail
  • Dorote Zaukaite – Grey Siren dolls mixed media
  • Dorote Zaukaite – Grey Siren dolls mixed media
  • Dorote Zaukaite – Black Siren dolls mixed media
  • Dorote Zaukaite – Black Siren dolls mixed media
  • Dorote Zaukaite – Black Siren dolls mixed media
  • Dorote Zaukaite – Beautiful dolls mixed media art
  • Dorote Zaukaite – Beautiful dolls mixed media art – each bird needs freedom
  • Dorote Zaukaite – Beautiful dolls mixed media art – each bird needs freedom
  • Dorote Zaukaite – Beautiful dolls mixed media art – each bird needs freedom

Beautiful dolls mixed media art – Dorote Zaukaite

Beautiful dolls mixed media artDorote Zaukaite (Lituania)

Dorote Zaukaite - Black Siren dolls mixed media

Dorote Zaukaite – Black Siren dolls mixed media

Porcelain, metal springs, air dry clay, wire armature, mohair, silk, glass and stone beads etc.
The costume is embroidered and beaded by hand. Each bead is sewn with thread.
The Jewellery of the doll is wearable by a human too.
It is made from silver, encrusted with gold, diamonds and precious stones.

  • Dark hare, fauxidermy – Characters by Julia
  • Textile Art Dolls – Characters by Julia
  • Textile Art Dolls – Characters by Julia
  • Rhyno – Julia trophee textile
  • New hessian hare trophy – Julia trophee textile
  • Julia trophee textile – Hare jumping into hole
  • Textile Art Dolls – Characters by Julia – zebre
  • Julia trophee textile – Cerf / Textile art
  • Julia trophee textile – bunny / Textile art
  • Textile Art Dolls – Characters by Julia

Textile Art Dolls – Characters by Julia

Textile Art Dolls – Characters by Julia. (Origine : Suede, vit depuis 2003 en Ecosse)

Julia trophee textile - Cerf / Textile art

Julia trophee textile – Cerf / Textile art


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