Tous les articles tagués creation

143 Articles
  • Troy Brooks, Love bugs – Oil on canvas
  • Troy Brooks, Water Lily – Oil on canvas
  • Troy Brooks, Sacrifice – Oil on canvas
  • Troy Brooks, Mother Goddamn – oil on canvas
  • Troy Brooks, Gravity Of Regret – Oil on canvas
  • Troy Brooks, Caligula – Oil on canvas
  • Troy Brooks, Between The boys and the Bees, painting oil
  • Troy Brooks, Sketchbook

Troy Brooks, Beautiful surrealist paintings

Troy Brooks, Beautiful surrealist paintings. (CA)

Troy Brooks is a contemporary surrealist painter known for his elaborate oil paintings dominated by towering women enveloped in a landscape of visual metaphor. His heroine plays out intimate scenes, usually caught in moments where something transformative has or is about to happen. Brooks’ impact on the pop-surrealist movement is widely recognized, exhibiting work in Canada, the US and Europe. He lives in Toronto. (Source Facebook)


Troy Brooks, Caligula - Oil on canvas

Troy Brooks, Caligula – Oil on canvas


  • Bran Lin Sculptures – Irrational preference
  • IBran Lin Sculptures – Irrational preference
  • Bran Lin Sculptures – Gelding, 197 x 56 x 42 cm – 2013
  • Bran Lin Sculptures – Irrational preference
  • Bran Lin Sculptures – Irrational preference, 156 x 61 x 184 cm – 2016
  • Bran Lin Sculptures – Confession theater – Civilization of the wild
  • Bran Lin Sculptures – Confession theater – Civilization of the wild
  • Bran Lin Sculptures
  • Bran Lin Sculptures
  • Bran Lin Sculptures – The seven lambs, 181 x 45 x 56 cm – 2015
  • Bran Lin Sculptures – Limited appearance, 112 x 90 x 146 cm – 2015
  • Bran Lin Sculptures

Bran Lin Sculptures

Bran Lin Sculptures (born 1992 Taipei, Taiwan)

Diplomé de l’université nationale d’Art de Taiwan / Graduated from NTUA (National Taiwan University of Art)

Bran Lin Sculptures - Irrational preference, 156 x 61 x 184 cm - 2016

Bran Lin Sculptures – Irrational preference, 156 x 61 x 184 cm – 2016


  • Vision II by David Spriggs
  • DIVIDED POWER. 2017. 3.2 X 3.2 X 3 metres: 10.5 X 10.5 X 10 ft White acrylic paint on layers of transparent film hung within a metal frame and suspended from the ceiling
  • Vision II by David Spriggs. Recently presented at Messums Wiltshire. Vision II is a 16ft high 3D installation of layered painted images
  • Emergence of Perception by David Spriggs. Painted layered transparencies. 2008
  • Vision II by David Spriggs
  • Data by David Spriggs – Painted layered transparent sheets
  • Retina with the artist David Spriggs
  • DIVIDED POWER. 2017. 3.2 X 3.2 X 3 metres: 10.5 X 10.5 X 10 ft Paint on layers of transparent sheets suspended from the ceiling of the former power plant Kraftwerk
  • Vision II by David Spriggs

Fascinantes installations de David Spriggs

Fascinantes installations de David Spriggs.
High 3D installation of layered painted images.

Vision II by David Spriggs

Vision II by David Spriggs


  • Fernando Rosas – « Cómodamente instalada » sculpture
  • Fernando Rosas – « Cómodamente instalada » Sculpture
  • Fernando Rosas – Condenado: el desinterés – Sculpture
  • Fernando Rosas – « Condenado: el desinterés » Sculpture
  • Fernando Rosas – « El rapto de Europa » Scuptor
  • Fernando Rosas – « El rapto de Europa » Scuptor
  • Fernando Rosas – « El rapto de Europa » Scupture
  • Fernando Rosas – Sculpture « Barranco »
  • Fernando Rosas – Sculptor « Herejía »
  • Fernando Rosas – Sculpture « Herejía »
  • Fernando Rosas – Sculpture « Un rebrote »

Fernando Rosas – Sculptures

Fernando Rosas – Sculptures (Argentina)

Fernando Rosas - "El rapto de Europa" Scuptor

Fernando Rosas – « El rapto de Europa » Scuptor

  • Sensual painting Shen Ning
  • Sensual painting Shen Ning
  • Sensual painting Shen Ning
  • Sensual painting Shen Ning

Sensual painting Shen Ning

Sensual painting Shen Ning (China, B. 1976) Encres sur soie / Inks on silk

Sensual painting Shen Ning



  • Patrick Cabral – papercuts Art – Tiger
  • Patrick Cabral – papercuts Art – Turtle
  • Patrick Cabral – papercuts Art – Lynx
  • Patrick Cabral – papercuts Art – Leopard
  • Patrick Cabral – papercuts Art – Elephant
  • Patrick Cabral – papercuts Art – Bear

Patrick Cabral – papercuts Art

Patrick Cabral – papercuts Art / A project in collaboration with World Wide Fund for Nature and Acts of Kindness.
This project aims to raise awareness about endangered species. 50 % of the sales will go to WWF.

Patrick Cabral (best known as Darkgravity in Instagram) is a Multi-disciplinary Designer and Type Artist based in Manila, Philippines.
His love for calligraphy started when he was just 11 years old, when he took an odd job of writing the names of graduating students’ high school diplomas. This was his first foray into the world of letters and typography.

Patrick Cabral - papercuts Art - Leopard

Patrick Cabral – papercuts Art – Leopard


  • Pasha pasha Art dolls – Silence
  • Pasha pasha Art dolls – Black chicken
  • Pasha pasha Art dolls – The diamond dogs are poachers
  • Pasha pasha Art dolls – The diamond dogs are poachers
  • Pasha pasha Art dolls – u should be dancing
  • Pasha pasha Art dolls – u should be dancing
  • Pasha pasha Art dolls – White rabbit

Pasha Pasha Wonderfull Art dolls

Pasha Pasha Wonderfull Art dolls (USA) aka Pasha Setrova.
An original artist who creates moody storybook imagery in the 3-D form be it with resin, fabric, or by her own breath and body.

Pasha pasha Art dolls - u should be dancing

Pasha pasha Art dolls – u should be dancing


  • Octoplum dolls art sculptures
  • Octoplum dolls art sculptures
  • Octoplum Beautiful dolls art sculptures
  • Octoplum dolls art sculptures – Venus sculpture
  • Octoplum dolls art sculptures – Venus sculpture
  • Octoplum dolls art sculptures – Venus sculpture
  • Octoplum dolls art sculptures
  • Octoplum dolls art sculptures – portrait
  • octoplum – Paloma Smith Sculptures
  • Octoplum – Paloma Smith Sculptures

Octoplum Beautiful Dolls art sculptures

Octoplum Beautiful Dolls art sculptures (UK) aka Paloma Smith : sculptor, artist, designer, feminist and cat mother…

Vous pouvez retrouver l’évolution de son travail notamment sur Instagram, work in progress.

Ses sculptures sont pulpeuses et fascinantes; d’une beauté fatale pour cette vénus aux seins généreux, au regard envoutant, à cette bouche qu’on a envie d’embrasser… mamamiaaaa

Octoplum dolls art sculptures - Venus sculpture

Octoplum dolls art sculptures – Venus sculpture



  • keita okada, Digital sculptor – Dragon
  • keita okada, Digital sculptor – lion
  • keita okada, Digital sculptor – lion
  • keita okada, Digital sculptor 3D

Keita Okada Digital Sculptor 3D

Keita Okada Digital Sculptor 3D (Japan)

keita okada, Digital sculptor - lion

keita okada, Digital sculptor – lion

  • Traditional & Digital Artist Ivana Besevic – kiss
  • Traditional & Digital Artist Ivana Besevic
  • Traditional & Digital Artist Ivana Besevic
  • Traditional & Digital Artist Ivana Besevic
  • Traditional & Digital Artist Ivana Besevic
  • Traditional & Digital Artist Ivana Besevic
  • Traditional & Digital Artist Ivana Besevic
  • Traditional & Digital Artist Ivana Besevic
  • ivana Digitale art painting

Traditional & Digital Artist Ivana Besevic

Traditional & Digital Artist Ivana Besevic, Based between Belgrade, Serbia and Paris.

Ivana is an artist specializing in Traditional & Handmade Digital paintings and portrait illustration.

  • Bob Basset – Sculpture art leather mask
  • Bob Basset – Steampunk Art Leather Gas Mask
  • Bob Basset – Sculpture art leather mask
  • Bob Basset – Sculpture art leather mask
  • Bob Basset – Steampunk Art Leather Gas Mask
  • Bob Basset – Steampunk Art Leather Gas Mask
  • Bob Basset – Steampunk Art Leather Gas Mask
  • Bob Basset – Steampunk Art Leather Gas Mask
  • Bob Basset – Steampunk Art Leather Gas Mask
  • Bob Basset – Steampunk Art Leather Gas Mask
  • Bob Basset – Sculpture art leather mask
  • Bob Basset – Sculpture art leather mask
  • Bob Basset – Sculpture art leather mask
  • Bob Basset – Sculpture art leather mask

Bob Basset – Sculpture art leather mask

Bob Basset – Sculpture art leather mask (Ukraine)

Bob Basset - Sculpture art leather mask

Bob Basset – Sculpture art leather mask

  • Jean Dubuffet – ontogenese
  • Jean Dubuffet -Coucou bazar
  • Jean Dubuffet – Sculptures
  • Jean Dubuffet – Sculptures
  • Jean Dubuffet – Sculptures welcome parade
  • Jean Dubuffet, Autoportrait VI
  • Jean Dubuffet – Le Bel costumé 1973 – Résine époxy, peinture polyuréthane
  • Jean Dubuffet – Portrait

Jean Dubuffet

Jean Dubuffet – (Le Havre, ), peintre & sculpteur.

Premier théoricien d’un style d’art auquel il a donné le nom d’« art brut », des productions de marginaux ou de malades mentaux : peintures, sculptures, calligraphies, dont il reconnaît s’être lui-même largement inspiré.

Jean Dubuffet - Sculptures

Jean Dubuffet – Sculptures

2016 – A l’occasion de l’exposition « Métamorphoses du paysage », la Fondation Beyeler donne vie à ses personnages.
Peinture, sculpture, théâtre, danse et  musique réunis en un seul travail multimédia.
Jean Dubuffet est l’un des artistes les plus influents de la seconde moitié du 20ème siècle.
Sur la base de plus de 100 œuvres des plus diverses et multiformes, la Fondation Beyeler a présenté la première grande rétrospective de Dubuffet en Suisse exposant son interprétation fascinante du paysage transformé en corps, visages et objets.

Peace Starts With Me – Magali Charrier

Peace Starts With Me – Magali Charrier #animation #video #film #creative

  • Aykut Aydogdu – Digital art – Dreamer serie
  • Aykut Aydogdu – Digital art photoshop
  • Aykut Aydogdu – Digital art – One
  • Aykut Aydogdu – Digital art – Dreamer serie
  • Aykut Aydogdu – Digital art
  • Aykut Aydogdu – Digital art – Blue gangsta
  • Aykut Aydogdu – Digital art – Blue gangsta

Aykut Aydogdu – Digital art

Aykut Aydogdu – Digital art (Turkey)

Aykut Aydogdu - Digital art

Aykut Aydogdu – Digital art

  • CODERCH & MALAVIA, Don Tancredo,81 x 25 x 21 cm, bronze sculpture
  • CODERCH & MALAVIA, Hamlet, 83 x 30x 20 cm, bronze
  • CODERCH & MALAVIA, Hamlet (détail), 83 x 30x 20 cm, bronze
  • CODERCH & MALAVIA, En la dehesa, 71 x 64 x 59 cm, Bronze
  • CODERCH – MALAVIA – The swimmer- sculpture
  • Coderch & Malavia, Sculptors – Learning to Fly, life size. Bronze.
  • Coderch & Malavia, Sculptors – Learning to Fly, life size. Bronze.
  • Coderch & Malavia, Sculptors – Learning to Fly, life size. Bronze.
  • Coderch & Malavia, Sculptors – Learning to Fly, life size. Bronze.
  • CODERCH & MALAVIA, Hamlet, 83 x 30x 20 cm, bronze
  • CODERCH & MALAVIA, The faun, 73 x 25 x 20 cm, Bronze
  • CODERCH & MALAVIA, Hamlet, 83 x 30x 20 cm, bronze
  • CODERCH & MALAVIA, Hamlet, 83 x 30x 20 cm – bronze
  • CODERCH & MALAVIA, Don Tancredo, 81 x 25 x 21 cm, bronze

Coderch & Malavia sculptures

Coderch & Malavia sculptures (ES)

CODERCH & MALAVIA, Hamlet (détail), 83 x 30x 20 cm, bronze

CODERCH & MALAVIA, Hamlet (détail), 83 x 30x 20 cm, bronze

Joan CODERCH né à Barcelone en 1959 et Javier MALAVIA né à San Sebastian en 1970, vivent et travaillent en Espagne.

Beaux-Arts de Barcelone et Faculté des Beaux-Arts de Valence.

Juan Coderch et Javier Malavia se rencontrent au sein de l’équipe de sculpteurs de la société Lladró, première manufacture espagnole de porcelaine.  Coderch et Malavia y travaillent durant 20 ans. Ils réalisent à travers le monde des démonstrations de sculptures et parcourent ensemble le Japon, Hong Kong, la Corée, la Chine, Taiwan, le Canada et la Grande-Bretagne…

Ils décident ensuite de créer leur propre atelier. A la recherche de nouveaux champs d’inspiration, les 2 artistes traitent entre autres celui du monde de la tauromachie (avec la collaboration du Torero Luis Francisco Espla).


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