Tous les articles tagués corbeau

8 Articles
  • Christian-Pontus Andersson-Leaving Gravity
  • Christian-Pontus Andersson – Mother and Father sculpture
  • Christian-Pontus Andersson – Mother and Father
  • Christian-Pontus Andersson – sculptures
  • Christian-Pontus Andersson – sculptures
  • Christian-Pontus Andersson – sculptures
  • Christian-Pontus Andersson – sculptures
  • Christian-Pontus Andersson – sculptures
  • Christian-Pontus Andersson – The Lambs Lullaby – sculptures
  • Leaving Gravity – Christian-Pontus Andersson
  • Crow – Christian-Pontus Andersson – sculpture detail

Christian-Pontus Andersson sculptor

Christian-Pontus Andersson sculptor, (born 1977) is a Swedish artist, living in Södermalm, Stockholm is known for his outstanding sculptural work and his creation of a new dynamic perspectives on sculpture as an artistic medium.

Christian-Pontus Andersson - sculptures

Christian-Pontus Andersson – sculptures

The artist was born in 1977 and graduated from the ceramics and glass department of Konstfack. He has exhibited at the National museum in Stockholm and has participated in group exhibitions in Tokyo, München and Milan.

The work of Christian Pontus Andersson balances between kitch and stringent form, creating a contrast between the extravagant homoerotic appearances of the figures and the fragile material of which they are made.

Tribute to Game of Thrones on S6, t-shirt, coque iphone, duvet, tablette…

Tribute to Game of Thrones on S6, t-shirt, coque iphone, duvet, tablette… portable, ipad, rideau de douche, tableau, coussin…

Tribute to game of thrones, coque iphone, tee-shirt, duvet, tableau... ©LilaVert


Petit intermaide en attendant le 6 avril ::::: GOT

Petit intermaide en attendant le 6 avril ::::: GOT
…vous refaire tout Cocorosie sur youtube en attendant…

GOT - saison 4 - 6 avril - Game of Thrones Season 4

GOT – saison 4 – 6 avril – Game of Thrones Season 4

  • Yosuke Kashiwakura- photography
  • Yosuke Kashiwakura – because it is there- photography
  • Yosuke Kashiwakura- photography
  • Yosuke Kashiwakura – human photo
  • Nid de corbeaux Tokyo – © Yosuke Kashiwakura – photography
  • Yosuke Kashiwakura – photography flamands
  • Yosuke Kashiwakura- photography

Wildlife photography by Yosuke Kashiwakura

Wildlife photography by Yosuke Kashiwakura / Japan Professional / Wildlife.

Les corbeaux qui vivent à Tokyo utilisent des cintres pour faire leurs nids. Dans cette grande ville, il y a peu d’arbres, de sorte que les matériaux naturels dont les corbeaux ont besoin pour faire leurs nids sont rares. En conséquence, les corbeaux prennent parfois les cintres des gens qui vivent dans des appartements à proximité, et les assemblent soigneusement en nids. De véritables œuvres d’art sur le thème du recyclage.


The crows that live in Tokyo use clothes hangers to make nests. In such a large city, there are few trees, so the natural materials that crows need to make their nests are scarce. As a result, the crows occasionally take hangers from the people who live in apartments nearby, and carefully assemble them into nests. The completed nests almost look like works of art based on the theme of recycling.

Nid de corbeaux Tokyo - © Yosuke Kashiwakura - photography

Nid de corbeaux Tokyo – © Yosuke Kashiwakura – photography

Yosuke Kashiwakura (né en 1978, il vit actuellement à Kanagawa). Il a enseigné la photographie en 2004 et en 2007, a remporté un prix de photographie de nature mondiale. Son travail continue d’être exposé au Musée national Smithsonian d’histoire naturelle. Il a obtenu la deuxième place dans les autres, spéciaux et la troisième place dans la nature sous-marine des catégories International Photography Awards. Ses photographies représentent des paysages naturels, la coexistence entre l’homme et la nature, et les problèmes environnementaux. Il est actif dans une grande variété de supports, y compris les magazines, publications diverses, et des publicités.


Yosuke Kashiwakura (born in 1978, currently living in Kanagawa) began teaching himself photography in 2004, and in 2007 won a Global Nature Photography award. His work went on to be displayed in the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. He was awarded second place in the SPECIAL OTHERS and third place in the NATURE UNDERWATER categories of the International Photography Awards. His photographs depict natural scenery, the coexistence between human and nature, and environmental problems. He is active in a wide variety of media, including magazines, various publications, and advertisements.

  • Eric Lacombe – mixed media painting
  • Eric Lacombe – mixed media painting
  • Eric Lacombe – mixed media paintings
  • P124 – Eric Lacombe – Peintures
  • Eric Lacombe  – Sans titre 130 – 80 x 100 cm | Digital painting
  • Eric Lacombe – mixed media paintings
  • Eric Lacombe – wip painting
  • Eric Lacombe PC031 : 50 x 65 cm : Octobre 2013
  • Eric Lacombe – AN018 : 50 x 65 cm : acrylic and pen on paper / 2014
  • Eric Lacombe – portrait
  • Eric lacombe – peinture corbeau macabre

anormalité selon Eric Lacombe

Anormalité selon Eric Lacombe, Au regard des profondeurs de l’âme. Né en 1968, vit à Lyon.
Artiste peintre et digital painting.

Eric Lacombe - AN018 : 50 x 65 cm : acrylic and pen on paper / 2014

Eric Lacombe – AN018 : 50 x 65 cm : acrylic and pen on paper / 2014

Novembre/Décembre 2013 – LE 59 RIVOLI – Paris (France)
« La Cave » – exposition collective avec H.R Giger, john santerineross, Karl Persson. Nihil, …

  • Craww Art illustration – wow
  • Craww Art illustration – face
  • Craww Art illustration
  • Craww Art illustration3
  • Craww Art illustration – corbeau
  • Craww Art illustration – exhibition
  • Craww Art illustration – portrait

Craww Art – Digital and painting illustrations

Craww Art – Digital and painting illustrations

Craww Art illustration - corbeau

Craww Art illustration – corbeau

« Craww likes ambiguity and his work explores his fascination with things that aren’t quite what they seem. Pretty things in dark places, nasty suprises masquerading in beauty, hidden stories and happy accidents, brought to life with a mix of elegance, balance and disciplined chaos.

His work is a story without an end – a stream of consciousness ramblethrough the woods, populated with skulls, crows and melancholic girlswith big hands. »

  • Guy Denning – Les bonnets rouges de Quimper – conte and pastel – 105×42 / nov 2013
  • Guy Denning – coming / conte, pastel and chalk on paper 30 x 30 cm – 2013
  • Guy Denning – the anatomy of violence
  • Guy Denning – self-portrait in my favourite, blue, hair shirt
  • Guy Denning – l’abri Sadi-Carnot x
  • Guy Denning – l’abri Sadi-Carnot iii
  • Guy Denning – l’abri Sadi Carnot i
  • Guy Denning – the hand of man2
  • Guy Denning – the hand of man
  • Guy Denning – Sky’s still blue
  • Guy Denning – one last moment of comfort
  • Guy Denning – Mór-ríoghain
  • Guy Denning – coming
  • guy denning wall drawing

Emotion by Guy Denning…

Emotion by Guy Denning…
Comte et pastel, lumiere, beaucoup de lumiere et d’émotions.

Regarder ses oeuvres, c’est croire en une certaine forme d’humanité…
Je crois.

English artist Guy Denning. Born 1965, still drawing breath…
  • Mister Finch Flower-masked-hare-1024×1024
  • mister-finch, textile art
  • Mister Finch selvedge
  • Mister Finch, textile art sculpture
  • Mister Finch, corbeau – Textile Art
  • Mister Finch, Pissenlit Textile Art
  • Mr finch – Seahorses / textile Art
  • Mister finch, papillon textile art
  • Mister Finch, textile art sculpture
  • Mister Finch, textile art
  • Mister Finch Sculptures

Textile Art Sculpture – Mister finch

Mister Finch excelle en Textile art sculpture, lapin, papillons, graine de pissenlit. C’est sensible et magnifique…

Des bouts de fil, tissu et papier sont cousues pour en tirer ses créatures de contes de fées à la recherche de nouveaux propriétaires et des mondes à habiter. Finch travaille seul et fait tout lui-même à la main dans un studio plein de livres, bocaux en verre et de chats coquins.

Retrouvez d’autres sculpteurs sur « Sculpteur addict mix-média »


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