Sculptures hyper-realistes de Marc Sijan

Sculptures hyper-realistes de Marc Sijan, born in Serbia in 1946.

Marc Sijan – Sculpture hyper realiste

Sijan’s inspiration was Michelangelo’s David; he was always fascinated by Michelangelo’s awareness of human anatomy and his ability to execute this awareness. However, unlike Michelangelo, Sijan does not celebrate the ideal form; his works are tributes to real people and in their realism, they are unpretentious and gritty and communicate a deep sense of emotion. In order to achieve the ultra-realistic finish, Sijan initially works from a live model and produces a plaster mould. He then sculpts the interior of the mould with tools and a magnifying glass and then casts the figure in a polyester resin. To achieve realistic flesh tones, Sijan applies twenty-five coats of paint and varnish. His goal is to achieve depth, yet translucency and spends as long as six months reproducing these details on each piece.



LilaVert I-I: Graphiste freelance Print / Webdesign - Photos - Sculptures
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