Tous les articles tagués cerf

7 Articles

La nuit du cerf de Vincent Munier

La nuit du cerf de Vincent Munier. Une magnifique vidéo sur le brame du cerf.

Film court réalisé à l’occasion de la sortie du livre CD « La nuit du cerf« , signé par le photographe Vincent Munier et l’audio-naturaliste Marc Namblard, paru aux éditions Kobalann.
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Livre CD disponible sur

Images : Vincent Munier
Sound recording : Marc Namblard
Editing : Laurent Joffrion


  • Frédérique Morrel – mixed taxidermy tapestries sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – Waiting for the spark of life
  • Frédérique Morrel – Sculptures tapissées
  • Frédérique Morrel – Mixed media textile sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – horse sculptures tapestries
  • Frédérique Morrel – Gallery preview sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – mixed media textile sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – Gallery preview sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – Vintage tapestries
  • Frédérique Morrel univers
  • Frédérique Morrel – mixed taxidermy tapestries sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – THE PURGATORY CORNER- Sculptures tapissées
  • Frédérique Morrel – Sculptures tapissées
  • Frederique Morrel’s Xmas windo at Bergdorf Goodman
  • Frédérique Morrel – Vintage tapestries
  • Frédérique Morrel – sculptures trophy
  • Frédérique Morrel – bonny – mixed media textile sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – Beautiful Art Tapestry sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – Tapestry Sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – Tapestry Sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – Tapestry Sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – Tapestry Sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel – Tapestry Sculptures
  • Frédérique Morrel portrait
  • Frédérique Morrel portrait artiste

Beautiful Art Tapestries sculptures of Frederique Morrel

Beautiful Art Tapestry sculptures of Frederique Morrel. Multi-talent artiste (France, Paris)

Craquage total pour l’œuvre très créative de cette artiste !
Un univers frais, coloré et joyeux.

Frédérique Morrel - bonny - mixed media textile sculptures

« We speak to animals in their own language. We like materials that tell stories of simple, ideal happiness, and that have been caressed by many hands.
We are inspired by Adam and Eve. The Garden of Eden. temptation. Original sin. The fall of man. Paradise Lost. Deluge. Apocalypse. Noah’s ark. Redemption. Re-birth. Vanities. Veneration.
We Question the dynamics of man vs woman, craft vs industry, of art vs decoration, of man vs animal, of beauty vs ugly, luxury vs cheap. »

The elk dance

The elk dance… :)


  • Peter Gronquist – cerf / guns taxidermy sculpture
  • Peter Gronquist – wbuffalo / Gun taxidermy sculpture
  • Peter Gronquist -The Quick and the Dead / Gun taxidermy sculpture
  • Peter Gronquist – Wilde beast / Gun taxidermy sculpture
  • Peter Gronquist – taxidermy sculpture
  • Peter Gronquist – sculptures taxidermie
  • Peter Gronquist – gun taxidermy sculpture
  • Peter Gronquist – taxidermy sculpture / portrait

Peter Gronquist, victimes et prédateurs

Sculpteur taxidermiste  (et oui encore un) et peintre Peter Gronquist mèle victimes et prédateurs dans ses oeuvres.
Il essaie d’éviter toute  interprétation facile (et c’est pas gagné), et ne donne pas d’explications précises des sculptures qu’il créé.

Dans un style Néo-baroque – Or doré et ultra-brillance, il s’attaque à l’hyper-américanisme en utilisant à double tranchant la symbolique des armes à feu.

  • Sculpture by Byeong Doo Moon – – I have been dreaming to be a tree…II
  • Sculpture by Byeong Doo Moon
  • Sculpture by Byeong Doo Moon – I have been dreaming to be a tree…II

By the sea – Sculpture by Byeong Doo Moon

Sculpture by Byeong Doo Moon  South Korean artist.
I have been dreaming to be a tree…II


  • Natasha Cousens – Doe Ray Me – Floral animal sculpture
  • Natasha Cousens – Doe Ray Me – Floral animal sculpture
  • Natasha Cousens – Doe Ray Me – Floral animal sculpture
  • Natasha Cousens – Sculpture in progress
  • Natasha Cousens – Life’s breath entwined  – Floral animal sculpture
  • Natasha Cousens – Life’s breath entwined  – Floral animal sculpture
  • Natasha Cousens – Sculptures – The beauty
  • Natasha Cousens – Sculptures – The beauty
  • Natasha Cousens – Sculptures COCOON
  • Natasha Cousens – Sculptures COCOON
  • Natasha Cousens – Sculptures COCOON
  • Natasha Cousens – Life’s breath entwined  – Floral animal sculpture
  • Natasha Cousens – Life’s breath entwined – in progress
  • Natasha Cousens – Life’s breath entwined  – Floral animal sculpture
  • Natasha Cousens – rabbit
  • Natasha Cousens – Sculpture in progress
  • Natasha Cousens – Genjitsu no genso – rabbit /  – Floral animal sculpture

Beautiful Floral animal sculptures by Natasha Cousens

Beautiful Floral animal sculptures by Natasha Cousens, Artist & Sculptor. Live in UK, moving soon  to New Zealand.

Natasha Cousens - Sculptures COCOON

Natasha Cousens – Sculptures COCOON

Also, visit in the same way sculptures of BETH CAVENER STICHTER

  • Teddy-Bracard-biche
  • Teddy-Bracard-photo
  • Teddy-Bracard-renard
  • Teddy-Bracard-photo-mulot
  • Teddy-Bracard-lievre
  • Teddy-Bracard-faon
  • Teddy-Bracard-mulot
  • Teddy-Bracard-ecureuil roux
  • Teddy-Bracard-ecureuil
  • Teddy-Bracard-photo-renard
  • Teddy-Bracard

Teddy Bracard [18 ans] Photographies animalières

Jeune et talentueux ! Teddy Bracard [18 ans] Photographies animalières


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