• Kei Meguro drawing #art – Scarlette Johanson

    Kei Meguro drawing #art - Scarlette Johanson

  • Kei Meguro drawing #art – Cara

    Kei Meguro drawing #art - Cara

  • Kei Meguro drawing #art – Waiting

    Kei Meguro drawing #art - Waiting

  • Kei Meguro drawing #art – Cara II

    Kei Meguro drawing #art - Cara II

Kei Meguro illustrations

Kei Meguro illustrations (Japan)

Kei Meguro drawing #art - Waiting

Kei Meguro drawing #art – Waiting

Kei Meguro is currently a working illustrator and graphic designer living in New York with her french-bulldog/Pekingese mix assistant, Momo.
Meguro began as a self taught artist from a young age and much of what she has learned has come from her interaction and appreciation of great art. She developed her techniques at the School of Visual Arts, where she started out majoring in Fine Arts and received a BFA in Graphic Design in 2010.

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